PMf Strategy
PMf Strategy
Outsourced B2B Sales

Find Product Market fit now.


with 3 month “BD” sprints


Introduction to Business Development Sprints

Discover the power of focused, 3-month Business Development Sprints tailored to accelerate startups towards Product-Market-fit.

* Industry research
* Channel strategy
* Go to Market
* Process Building

Save money, headache, and time. Figure out your Product Market fit (PMf) today!


Business Development

  • Conduct comprehensive industry research to understand market dynamics.

  • Develop a channel strategy tailored to your business model (Direct to Consumer, Reseller, System Integration & Partnerships, IP licensing, etc.)

  • Identify and engage potential channel partners and distribution opportunities.

  • Establish initial pricing strategies to position your product competively.

Go To Market

  • Prospect & Identify leads.

  • Craft, test, and refine sales scripts for effectiveness.

  • Implement a sales CRM to manage customer interactions efficiently.

  • Take initial client calls to validate market interest and close initial pilot customers (subject to product readiness)

Process Building

  • Structure your Business Development and Sales teams for optimal performance.

  • Assist in the interview process for your first hires to ensure quality talent acquisition.

  • Integrate AI technologies to enhance the efficiency and output of your BD & Sales processes, reducing costs.



When launching a new product or entering a new market, it’s often beneficial to try many distribution channels. One channel will usually stick out as easier to sell into, easier to integrate technically, more aligned with executive goals. Double down on that channel and drop everything else.

B2C, B2B, B2B2C: Choose ONe

It’s important to understand the different needs and mechanics of selling to individual customers and selling to businesses. Lots of startup teams make the mistake of going after both. That’s the fastest way to fail.

80/20 Rule

How do you know what to say to a customer or how to position your product? The trick is to get your customers (in a smiliar segment) to agree with 80% of what you say. The remaining 20% are the feature questions and buying questions they’ll have. Keep iterating your sales pitch until you can get to this 80/20 split.


The qualifying call is often the 1st call or mtg between a prospect and your development team. The goal is not to sell the prospect but to qualify him/her before passing it to the Sales team.
Typically, development reps will use BANT questions to qualify:

”What problem are you facing? How urgent is it for you to solve?”
”Are you the decision maker in a purchase to solve this problem?”
”When do you want this problem solved by? Why?”
”Do you already have budget allotted to solve this problem?”


Our expertise:

  • 15 years in business development & enterprise sales

  • closed multiple 6 & 7 figure USD customer contracts

  • closed multiple 6 figure USD IP licensing deals

  • signed 10+ reseller channel deals

  • distributed Immersive shows from US to Taiwan

  • language capabilities: English & Mandarin

  • industries: AI, IoT, VR, Agtech, InsurTech, MarTech, EdTech, Streaming Content, Immersive


Save money, headache, and time!
Figure out your Product market fit today.


Are you a startup or early stage product?

Startup teams and early stage product owners are often looking for Product Market fit (PMf). They need to talk to as many SQLs (Sales Qualified Leads) as cost-efficiently as possible. Talking to SQLs lets them validate their sales message, their target audience, their marketing strategies.

However, they often make a very common mistake. They hire sales team or spend valuable marketing dollars before they know what to say.

We provide SQLs (Sales Qualified Leads) so STARTUPS can TEST their sales message AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE.

Try our
Development Sprint!

You will get: 

  • Business Development Plan you can give to your BD team to execute

  • Sales Strategy & Process you can give to your Sales team to execute

  • Analysis and overview of your product in the market

  • Initial pilot deal(s) closed (*not guaranteed, depends on product readiness)

3-5 months to figure out your Product Market fit!



Andrew Wilson, KCG Companies

JD brings the relentless, optimistic guts of an entrepreneur, the expertise of a skilled software product manager, and the creative credentials of a film industry veteran. I admire his ability to envision a big idea and assemble and inspire a team to execute it.